Friday, January 25, 2008

McCain Picks up attacks on Romney in 08 Florida Primary

Following a mostly cordial debate Thursday night in Boca Raton, McCain called a press conference Friday morning to slap down Romney’s argument that his time in the private sector makes him equipped to handle the economic problems that have Washington scrambling to head off a potential recession.

“I think everybody knows the difference between leadership and management,” McCain said. “You can hire managers all the time … leadership is people who inspire.”

Asked what he was specifically suggesting about Romney in 08 election rhetoric, McCain answered, “I’m suggesting Gov. Romney is touting his qualities and his experience and resume as a manager. I am telling the American people, and they know it, that I am a leader.”

Just as the GOP candidates were starting to go easy on each other, John McCain cranked up the volume against his top Florida competitor, Mitt Romney in 08 Florida Primaries, on Friday, suggesting the former venture capitalist is more of a desk jockey than a president.

His new rhetorical tack comes as Romney swiftly catches up to him in Florida polls following McCain’s momentum building victories in South Carolina and New Hampshire. The GOP race has sharply turned from focusing on national security and illegal immigration toward the economy, a twist Romney has used to his advantage.

Even though McCain has tried to look past the primaries and cast himself as the most formidable challenger in the general election, the Tuesday vote is the last major contest before Super Tuesday Feb. 5, making it a critical opportunity to pick up steam on the road to the nomination.

Rudy Giuliani, who’s staked his campaign on Florida, has recently been idling in third in state polls. But poll averages show McCain and Romney in 08 elections just fractions of a point apart.

Romney is sticking to the economic argument, asserting Friday in Miami that “the only way to get America on track economically is to have a president who actually understands how the economy works.”

Promises to turn around the economy and fix a broken Washington have driven his campaign of late and were major themes before he won Michigan and Nevada.

He responded to McCain’s attacks at a rally in Pensacola, Fla., saying, “I guess Senator McCain didn’t think as positively about last night’s debate as I did.”

He ridiculed his competitor as a Washington insider who’s admitted he’s not an expert on the economy.

“That’s straight talk,” Romney said. “Now he’s engaging in Washington talk … And I’ll tell you this — somebody who’s been in the real economy, who’s created real jobs, someone who’s been on Main Street knows a lot more about the jobs and the economy of this nation than someone who’s spent his time in K Street and in Washington, DC.”

Romney headed the 2002 Winter Olympic Games and was Massachusetts governor from 2003 to 2007, but spent most of his career as a business consultant and later founded Bain Capital.

The two Florida frontrunners have started going at it in advertisements, too. The campaigns launched dueling Web ads Thursday night that mocked each other to the backdrop of the waltz “The Blue Danube,” a popular tune among political ad-makers.

“Mitt Romney says he’s a leader, but how do we know which direction he wants to lead? Mitt Romney seems to change positions like the wind,” a McCain ad says.

McCain also picked up the endorsement of Florida Sen. Mel Martinez Friday. Martinez was born in Cuba and his endorsement could give the Arizona senator a boost with the state’s Cuban Americans, a cross-section Giuliani was trying to court.

Giuliani still says he’s going to win Tuesday, and on Friday joined the chorus of criticism. He struck at both McCain and Romney for not supporting tax cuts consistently, and for not fully embracing a disaster relief fund that he’s been promoting.

Mike Huckabee, who won the Iowa caucuses, is polling behind Giuliani in Florida, but says he hasn’t given up on the state.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Press Conference for Romney in 08 Nevada Elections

This is a Mitt Romney Reno Press Conference where he accepts endorsements and discusses his efforts in the 2008 campaign. Will it be Romney in 08 elections here in the United States are will we see McCain pull through to get the Republican Nod. I think we have all agreed that the Rudy investment in Florida will prove to be futile and his lack of substance will prove fatal even in NYC. Romney has done a good job thus far and we can only hope for Romney in 08. Do your part and make it Romney in 08, contact him at his campaign website or look for more information on the presidential election at Elections in 2008.

Recession Helps Romney in 08 Elections

This weekend revealed a race that boils down to two head-to-head matchups: Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama and John McCain vs. Mitt Romney. The deciding factors going forward will be economic experience and party backing, both of which favor Clinton and Romney.

The three-day holiday weekend had a full campaign schedule: In Nevada, both parties held a caucus, and in South Carolina, the Republicans held a primary and the Democrats had a contentious debate.

With the housing market and stock market stumbling, the election focus will shift to the economy, with voters deciding which candidate they trust to manage the economy.

The race between McCain and Romney remains remarkably close. Mike Huckabee won the first caucus in Iowa, but attacks on his record as Arkansas' governor have stalled his momentum. Since Iowa, McCain and Romney have traded wins. Romney has the overall lead in delegates with 66 to McCain's 38.

Recent national polls have shown McCain moving into first place over both Huckabee and Romney. It's hard to judge the validity of these polls in light of past predictive history in the Republican race. For example, Rudy Giuliani led national polls all summer and fall with similar margins to McCain's. Even Huckabee knocked off Giuliani for about a week.

Over the weekend, Romney easily won Nevada because he was the only candidate who had spent significant time campaigning there. South Carolina seemed more important. There, McCain edged Huckabee despite the considerable Christian conservative influence in the state.

Exit Polls from the Palmetto State showed voters' Number One concern was the economy. But voters also said they cared more about a candidate's values than his experience. The latter explains why McCain and Huckabee performed so well.

McCain, on the other hand, has sheepishly said he has little economic experience. He mentioned this during a recent Republican debate and made similar comments to The Wall Street Journal's editorial board. It appears that his lone economic adviser is another former senator, Phil Gramm.

The economy, however, will remain a hot topic for the next few months with voters all over the nation. This should help Romney, who will be able to tout his experience in business as the head of Bain Capital Management, a successful private-equity firm. Romney's reputation is also bolstered by his turnaround of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. The Olympics were plagued by scandal. Romney rejuvenated the games and brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in corporate sponsorships.

Romney's message on the economy allowed him to beat McCain in Michigan. The Romney campaign will continue to play up this distinction in the run up to Super Tuesday, including using sound bites of McCain about his lack of experience.

Romney is also better placed to campaign nationally than McCain, given his vast fortune.

Romney also has better backing from conservative elites than McCain. McCain has managed to discourage conservatives with his atypical legislative record. Romney, on the other hand, has received the endorsement of important voices, such as The National Review's.

Should the economy remain the news story of the next few weeks, then look for Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney to secure the nominations in their respective parties.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Michigan Says Romney in 08 Primary

The Following is a Transcript of a Speech by Romney in the Michigan Primary Election in January 2008. This was taken from Real Clear Politics and much more information can be found there and at the Presidential Election 2008 Blog.

"Thank you. This is quite an institution. It's good to be back here with you. It's good to be back in Michigan.

"You know, somehow everything just seems right here. In the winter, of course, the skies are cloudy all day. Most of the cars you see on the roads are made here in the good old U-S-of A.

"People know that pop is not a relative, it's a soft drink, and they know that Vernors is the best ginger ale in the world.

"And of course, for me, I have a lot of memories here. This is where both Ann and I were born. It's where I met her. We were in our senior year when we went to a party together. I was in senior year, she was a sophomore. She came with someone else. I noticed her at age 16. She was very interesting. I went to the guy who brought her there and said, 'Look, I live closer to Ann than you do, can I give her a ride home?' We've been going steady ever since.

"So we know each other real well. I said to her after we made the decision to get into this race, and you've probably heard it before, I said, 'Ann, in your wildest dreams did you see me running for President of the United States?' And she said, 'Mitt, you weren't in my wildest dreams.' She'd be here today, but she's in Lansing, by the way, speaking at another event for me.

"First, one of the things I like best about coming back to Michigan is the memories I have in my heart of my Mom and Dad.

"One of my favorite stories, and you may have heard this because they told it more than once, was about my Dad's visit to Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, on the 4th of July. He got up and spoke before the town. He said, 'It sure is great being here in Mt. Clement.' There was this big ooooh in the audience and my mother leaned forward and said, 'George, it's Pleasant, Pleasant!' He said, 'Yeah, it sure is pleasant here in Mt. Clement.'

"Now I have to tell you, if I'm elected as President of this great land, I will not need a compass to tell me where Michigan is.

"And I won't need to be briefed on what's going on in the auto industry or what's happening to Michigan's economy. You see, I've got Michigan in my DNA. I've got it in my heart and I've got cars in my bloodstream.

"When I was living here, Michigan was the pride of the country and really the envy of the entire world. Detroit was the Motor City to everybody in the world. Of course, the Hudson's Thanksgiving Day Parade was one of the grand traditions my family enjoyed.

"And perhaps the biggest day of the year for me was being able to go to the Detroit Auto Show. This was really something. My Dad was head of a car company, you know, he made Ramblers. And we were escorted from the hotel with a police escort, motorcycles, awfully cool, even though we had to go in a Rambler. So exciting.

"But a lot has changed since then, as you know, and not all of it is good. Michigan is enduring a one-state recession, and the problem has only been exacerbated by poor choices made by some of the leaders in Lansing to raise taxes and take that course instead of cutting spending.

"Unemployment, now you know these numbers, unemployment at 7.4% is in the basement of the entire country. A state agency just this week forecast that next year it's going to go to 8.2% and after that 8.7% the year after.

"And the question is, what has Washington done with this looming, not looming, this existing crisis, this recession, what has Washington done to help? The answer is not very much at all.

"In fact, in face of all of the existing burdens that weigh down our domestic auto industry, instead of throwing over a life preserver, Washington has dropped yet another anvil on Michigan with higher CAFE standards. And now, it's passively sitting back to see if the car companies can swim. And the answer is: just barely.

"A lot of Washington politicians are aware of the pain, but they haven't done anything about it. And of course, I hear people from time to time say, 'Well, that's Michigan's problem.' Or, they say something like, 'Well, it's the car companies. They just brought it on themselves.'

"But that's where they're wrong. What Michigan is feeling will be felt by the entire nation unless we win the economic battle here. Michigan is a bit like the canary in the mine shaft. What's hurting Michigan, if it's left unchecked, will ultimately imperil the entire nation.

"What's at stake here, in fact, is even larger than that. It's even larger than an industry and a state. The world is seeing the beginning of a global competitive struggle. It pits at least four major economic strategies against each other, and each of them has far reaching consequences for the peace of the planet, the prosperity, and security of America and the world.

"Our strategy - the American strategy - you know well. It is economic freedom combined with personal freedom. That's our strategy.

"China's strategy is Communism combined with an unbridled morphing of free enterprise. China doesn't flinch at buying oil from the genocidal Sudanese government or selling nuclear technology to the Iranians who threaten genocide. Today, China alone accounts for one-third of our trade imbalance as a nation.

"There's a third strategy; it's based on the control of energy and oil. It's pursued by a resurgent Russia, by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, by Iran's President Ahmadinejad. Today, as you know, our energy purchases account for another one-third of our trade imbalance.

"The fourth strategy that's being pursued is radical, violent Jihadism. It is a very different campaign. It wants to return the world to the economy and the human condition of the Dark Ages. Violent Jihadism has cost America this year more in our treasure than even our purchases of oil. And, of course, much more, it has cost the lives of our countrymen, and other people throughout the world.

"We're accustomed as a people to measuring our national security in terms of missiles and aircraft and defense spending. But I would suggest that as we look down the lane for this next century, a better measure of our national security is the health of our economy. You cannot have a first-tier military and have a second-tier economy. The Soviet Union learned that the hard way and Ronald Reagan taught it to them.

"Michigan's economic worries should be America's worries. I don't know about the Washington politicians, but I can tell you this: if I am President, I will not rest until Michigan has come back!

"I am convinced that Michigan can once again lead the world's automotive industry. But it means we're going to have to change things in Washington. We're going to have to go from politicians who say they are 'aware' of Michigan's problems to have a President instead who will actually take action to do something about them.

"Let me tell you some of the places where I'd start.

"First of all, we have to be honest about the problems we have and tackle them head on. If I'm President of this country, I will roll up my sleeves in the first 100 days I'm in office, and I will personally bring together industry, labor, Congressional and state leaders and together we will develop a plan to rebuild America's automotive leadership. It will be a plan that works for Michigan and that works for the American taxpayer.

"And as part of this, we will directly address and rectify the enormous product cost and capital cost disadvantages that currently burden the domestic automakers. From legacy costs, to health care costs, to increased CAFE standard costs, to the cost of embedded taxes, Detroit can only thrive if Washington is an engaged partner, not a disinterested observer. The plan is going to have to include increases in funding for automotive related research as well as new tax benefits including making the Research and Development Tax Credit permanent.

"I am not open to a bail out, but I am open to a work out. Washington should not be a benefactor, but it can and must be a partner.

"But that's only one step. Washington also has to stop loading Detroit down with unfunded mandates. Of course, we all want fuel mileage to rise, but discontinuous CAFE leaps, uncoordinated with the domestic manufacturers, and absent consideration of competitiveness, kills jobs and imperils the entire industry. Washington dictated CAFE is not the right answer.

"We also have to stop Washington politicians from imposing enormous unilateral energy costs on American manufacturing, including automotive manufacturing. For example, the McCain-Lieberman bill pending in Congress unilaterally imposes new high energy costs on U.S. manufacturers, with no safety valve. The Energy Information Agency estimated that this bill would raise electric rates by as much as 25% and gasoline by as much as 68 cents a gallon. And their estimate of the cost in U.S. jobs -- 300,000 jobs. So it's not just a job killer, it would also make it harder for families to make their ends meet.

"Now of course we have to tackle the threat of climate change. But we don't call it America warming, we call it global warming. Placing caps and taxes on the U.S. alone just drives manufacturers to China and India, and does little more than make Washington politicians feel welcome at the embassy cocktail parties.

"Next, and you've heard this before, there is more healthcare cost in an automobile than steel costs. We got healthcare insurance premiums down in my state and we got everyone on track to be insured. We will work to do the same here and for the rest of the nation.

"And then a final burden, it's time to fix the tax code. Corporations, like individuals, need lower and simpler taxes. Embedded taxes put our products at a disadvantage in our home market and wherever they compete around the world. When we send for example, a Ford Mustang overseas, it's not just loaded with accessories. It's loaded with our excessive healthcare costs, our excessive regulatory burdens, our excessive legal liability burden, and the taxes paid by every single automotive supplier to help put product into that car. You take off those burdens and let's show them how fast a Mustang will actually go.

"Of course, taking off those burdens is only part of the solution. If we're going to be the world's greatest economic power, we also have to invest in the future. It's time for us to be bold. I will make a five-fold increase - from $4 billion to $20 billion - in our national investment in energy research, fuel technology, materials science, and automotive technology. Let's invest in our future.

"As you know, research spins out new ideas for new products, from both small businesses and large businesses. That's exactly what's happened in healthcare. We spend what $30 billion a year in NIH, and we lead the world in healthcare products. In defense, we spend even more. We lead the world in defense products. We also spend money in the space industry. And we lead the world in products coming out of space. Look how industries in these other states that have those advantages that thrive from the spin of other technologies, from our investment there. So if we can invest in healthcare, and defense, and space, why not also invest in energy and fuel technology right here in Michigan?

"Michigan can be a laboratory, just like other states - a drawing board, from which we can invent the future.

"Second, we'll turn government workforce training programs that are managed by bureaucrats, into personal accounts that can be managed by the workers themselves so they can gain education at community college or they can pay for on-the-job training in real jobs.

"There are currently some 40 different workforce training programs in government spread out all over the entire federal government. Now let's replace the bureaucracy and the bureaucrats with personal responsibility and individual ownership.

"Long term, we're only going to lead the world only if our students coming in now are the best-educated in the world. And you know this, almost every independent group that's looked at our public schools has said that we're falling behind international standards. And their number one prescription time and again - treat teachers like the real professionals they are. Better teachers should be better paid. Teachers should also be evaluated and promoted. And, here's a novel idea, education of our children should come ahead of the interests of the teacher's union.

"And finally, we have to shape America's trade policy to open markets for our goods and level the playing field across the world. For America to remain the world's superpower, we have to remain the world's economic superpower. And that requires us to successfully compete everywhere in the world.

"However, as we pursue new trade agreements, I'm far less interested in just getting an agreement signed than I am in getting an agreement signed that is good for America. I promise you that any nation that unfairly manipulates its currency, steals our patents and designs, dumps unsafe products in our markets, or stifles the American goods in their market place, will face a very aggressive President across the negotiating table.

"Now let me be clear, I strongly support free trade, but free trade has to be fair in both directions. And when the playing field is level, America can compete with any country in the world. And we will win.

"I came here about a year ago and talked about a number of actions which I thought were necessary to keep our national economy strong. I talked about cutting spending in Washington, about across the board tax cuts, about national tort reform liability, and I also talked about entitlement reform. But these aren't enough. What we face here in Michigan and what we face around the country if we don't take action here in Michigan, is a far more complex set of problems than most politicians have been willing to acknowledge.

"There is no one silver bullet. When it comes to getting Michigan back on track and building a strong America, we have to address every single problem I've spoken about. And I will.

"And by the way, that's what I have done all my life. I've taken on complex situations, led tough negotiations, found solutions, and then gotten things back on track. That was the job that I had as a leader in the business world, and then as the head of the Olympics in Salt Lake City, and of course as Governor of Massachusetts.

"And I am the only candidate with that kind of experience, and frankly, that's exactly the kind of experience that Michigan and America needs in the White House today.

"Now, I know that there are some people who don't think that there's a future for the domestic automobile industry. They think that the industry and its jobs are gone forever. And they're wrong.

"Innovation and change present the opportunity for transformation. And the burdens on American manufacturing are largely imposed by government, and new leadership in Washington can lift the burdens and lift the industry.

"Washington politicians look at Michigan and they see a rust belt. But the real rust is in Washington.

"The pessimist will point to an empty factory and a laid-off worker and say they have no future.

"Instead, I see vital infrastructure, a skilled workforce, and an innovative spirit, all worthy of an optimistic vision, and deserving of a leader who will work tirelessly to deliver the power and potential of Michigan and the American people.

"The pessimist says that the hundreds of thousands of jobs that have been lost, have been lost forever. That logic of course says that the 200 jobs that were lost last week at Willow Run, they're lost forever too. And by the way, that logic would also say that all the rest of the jobs in the auto industry will one day be gone forever, and there's nothing that can be done about it.

"Well, the pessimists are wrong. The auto industry and all its jobs do not have to be lost. And I am one man who will work to transform the industry and save those jobs.

"Now, after this speech, I am going to do with my son Tagg, who's sitting right there, what my Dad did with me 50 years ago. We're going to go to the International Auto Show where I will show him the best of today and the vision of what we can be tomorrow.

"And the next time I visit the Auto Show here in Detroit, I hope it will be as the President of the United States. Thank you so much. Thank you!"

And He's Off: Romney in Florida

Romney's third victory of the Republican presidential race, following the Michigan primary on Tuesday and Wyoming caucuses on Jan. 5, more firmly established him as a top contender.

Mitt Romney notched an easy win yesterday in the lightly contested Nevada caucuses, but finished fourth in the fiercely fought South Carolina primary, a mixed result that sets him up for a major battle in Florida.

Even as he celebrated his win, Romney set his sights on the Jan. 29 Florida primary, the next big prize and the gateway to Super Tuesday on Feb. 5. He drew 600 supporters to a rally at the University of North Florida last night and plans to embark on a bus tour across the state tomorrow. He said he may not campaign outside Florida until after the vote.

"Well, I'd love to win Florida, of course," Romney said at a Jacksonville airport, immediately after landing on a chartered flight from Las Vegas. "It's a very big state with a lot of delegates, and I care very much about Florida."

Romney won the support of 51 percent of Nevada caucus-goers, but only 15 percent of South Carolina voters. With the addition of 17 of Nevada's 31 delegates to his tally, Romney extended his lead in the overall race for delegates. Florida - where recent polls suggest a tight four-way race among Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, and John McCain - will award 57 more.

His rivals will need to raise millions of dollars to compete through Feb. 5, but Romney has the advantage of being able to dip again into his personal fortune.

Romney focused on winning Nevada because it was friendlier territory and had more delegates than South Carolina, which awards 24. The race is so wide open that Romney's aides believe that the Republican National Convention in September might be brokered, if no candidate has the nomination locked up.

In South Carolina, Romney finished behind McCain, Huckabee, and Fred Thompson, who had been warring there for weeks. Romney campaigned less aggressively in the state, gambling that a clear win in Nevada would be more important for him than bragging rights from the first Southern primary, which every GOP nominee has won since 1980.

Besides Romney, only Ron Paul, who finished a distant second, made a serious effort in Nevada's GOP caucuses, but Romney insisted the absence of major rivals did not make his victory any less meaningful.

"From my standpoint, that was good news, not bad news," he said. "I'm pleased that I was able to win in this state, get good support here, and underscore the fact that I'm competing in all the states."

Romney built his win in the Silver State with support from across demographic groups. But fellow Mormons played a particularly significant role. About 25 percent of those attending the caucuses were Mormon, and more than nine in 10 voted for Romney, according to the preliminary results of an entrance poll conducted for the Associated Press and the television networks. About half of Romney's support came from Mormons, the survey suggested.

Romney downplayed those figures, saying he believes voters choose candidates based on their qualifications, not their religion. Still, his win underscored yet again the striking role of religion in the Republican race.

Nevada has the fourth-highest concentration of Mormons of any state, about 9 percent of its population. Romney made it a priority, particularly after South Carolina's large population of evangelicals flocked to Huckabee, a former Baptist minister. Evangelical voters also helped power Huckabee to a win over Romney in Iowa.

"There will always be some people whose vote will be shaped by the faith of the candidate," Romney said. "I don't think that's the majority of the country."

In Nevada, Romney also had a slight lead among non-Mormons and ran even with Huckabee among evangelicals, according to the entrance poll.

Romney received word of his win a bit awkwardly while he was flying from Las Vegas to Florida. At the time, he was sitting on an armrest in the rear of the plane, briefing reporters on a $233 billion economic stimulus plan he released yesterday. His wife, Ann, got on the public address system and said she had announcement to make. Looking somewhat annoyed, Romney raised his hand and told her not to interrupt. But she went ahead and said Fox News had just declared him the winner in Nevada. Air traffic controllers had radioed the news to the flight crew.

"That is a good announcement. Got any more good ones? Keep them coming," Romney said with a muted enthusiasm that reflected what was essentially a foregone conclusion.

The economic stimulus package buttresses Romney's chief message since his Michigan victory: that his business experience makes him the best candidate to create jobs and strengthen the ailing economy.

The package would cut the lowest individual income tax rate from 10 percent to 7.5 percent, eliminate payroll taxes on employees over age 65, and reduce the top corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent over two years. Romney said his plan would give corporations more incentives to hire workers than the $145 billion plan President Bush proposed .

Michael Levenson can be reached at

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A little Romney Bashing? We'll even take on Chuck if we have to.

"Whoever wins Iowa could be the next president of the United States," said Democratic consultant Stephanie Cutter, adding that a compressed election schedule may put a premium on momentum this year "and Iowa can be a rocket booster."

Much is at stake: Iowa kicks off the election process Thursday with Democratic and Republican caucuses that could propel two candidates to the nomination.

Mike Huckabee says John McCain is a hero. McCain says Huckabee is a good man. And they both seem to agree on this: Mitt Romney is neither.

The Republican rivals joined Sunday to criticize Romney - McCain in New Hampshire called him a waffler, and Huckabee in Iowa questioned whether he can be trusted with the presidency, a sign of Romney's strength in both states.

Romney's camp accused the hard-charging Huckabee of "testiness and irritability," a reflection of the brass-knuckles phase of the most open presidential race in half a century.

New Hampshire votes just five days after Iowa.

The dynamics aren't quite the same on the Republican side, but GOP consultant Scott Reed said Iowa "is going to make or break three-quarters of all the candidates."

Polls show that Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards are tied for the lead in Iowa. Clinton and Obama are bunched closely in New Hampshire, too, where voters often are influenced by the results in Iowa.

The Democratic winner in Iowa will be hard to stop, especially if it's a well-funded Clinton or Obama.

As six candidates offered their closing messages on the morning talk shows, Obama acknowledged that the criticism about lack of experience in Washington might be taking a toll.

"That may have some effect, but ultimately I'm putting my faith in the people of Iowa and the people of America that they want something better," Obama told NBC's Meet the Press.

Playing the experience card, Clinton told ABC's This Week that as first lady from 1993-2001 she was "intimately involved in so much that went on in the White House, here at home and around the world."

Identity Crisis In Republican Party: Will it be Romney in 08?

The former governor of Massachusetts used his local ties to Michigan, a state in which he spent the first 19 years of his life, as well as populist anti-Washington rhetoric to achieve an unexpectedly commanding victory over his main rival, John McCain. The final results put Romney on 39%, McCain on 30% and Mike Huckabee on 16%.

The crisis of identity within the heart of the US Republican party has sharply intensified with the victory in the Michigan primary on Tuesday night of Mitt Romney - a result which has thrown the race for the presidential nomination wide open and left the party mired in confusion about the way ahead.

The Michigan result leaves the Republicans with no clear frontrunner and none of the momentum from early races that traditionally drives a candidate towards the finishing line. The first three major elections have had three separate winners - Huckabee in Iowa, McCain in New Hampshire and now Romney in Michigan.

"The race has moved from a sprint to a marathon," the chairman of the Michigan Republican party, Saulius Anuzis, told the Guardian.

All eyes now turn to Saturday's Republican primary in South Carolina. But even in that southern state the party appears to be in the mood more for a muddle than a coronation. Both Huckabee, the ordained Baptist minister and former governor of Arkansas, and McCain, senator for Arizona, are vowing they will win.

Romney, McCain, Huckabee and Fred Thompson were all out on the stump throughout the state yesterday. South Carolina is the first of the contests to be held in the South and the state has a reputation for political brutality and dirty tricks. An early taste came in a flier being distributed by a group calling itself Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain claiming he betrayed his fellow PoWs during his years in jail in Hanoi.

Huckabee said he would "put a flag in the ground here Saturday", while McCain used his concession speech on Tuesday night to declare that "starting tomorrow, we're going to win South Carolina".